photo series 209-01

photo series 209-01

70 images starring Léa
available to download


2005, July 30 : Léa came for one shooting in my jungle … we planned a bondage session using the bikini dedicated to this photo setup. It was her second time for CC : she enjoyed her first experience in my ropes and I was pleased to welcome her back with the full team. One month before, I had been alone with Léa because none of my assistants could be there … in theory, everything should have been easier with Dana & Alain but it didn’t happen. Since the beginning, I have had a very good relationship with Léa who was a 19 years old gothic girl with a taste for the fetish universe. Because she wanted to tease her boyfriend, he has been invited to remotely watch our session : I used to turn on my webcam making my session viewable to my friends on the Captive Culture & Tied Girls chatroom. We didn’t have any problem with her boyfriend who, finally, was happy to follow the action through a device which was only allowing us to upload one capture every X seconds … life was technologically very different 19 years ago ! I started to try this experience for my members who could see the captures on their screen & interact through the chatroom. Having one laptop in the studio has been a very bad idea … there was some tension with Dana for a while & our last session together didn’t help ! That afternoon, my assistant was totally out of control chatting on the laptop, Dana also attacked everybody with invidious comments. She was in a huff since the beginning for several reasons that I am going to explain below : Dana even did a bad make-up to Léa who has been one of her targets talking & joking way too much. You can imagine how pleasant this session has been for everyone including Léa bound & teased in my ropes. I had to hold back myself for not putting Dana outside the studio. 2005 has been full of changes & that day with Léa was a turning point for Dana & I. One week before, we did one complicated session which had some consequences between us : Dana was in a stressful period in her personal life but the recent tensions didn’t help to create a better mood. As explained above, she said some inappropriate words in front of my model : we had to create a relaxed atmosphere for her second time but the whole shooting has been hard to live. Later that evening, I had dinner with Léa and Alain, my photo assistant. Of course, I invited Dana but she wasn’t interested to join us : we drove to Paris & left my model assistant outside her building. Although Dana wasn’t present, her words impacted our conversation. Léa shared these comments had made her feel uneasy throughout the shoot. Alain, usually indifferent to such matters, admitted that Dana’s mood had affected him too. It became evident this situation warranted a thoughtful response. The next day, I reached out to Dana via email, approaching the conversation with care. I acknowledged that everyone has tough moments but expressed that I would have preferred if she had chosen to cancel rather than bring her frustrations into the session. I emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive environment for our models, particularly with the new ones who were discovering this universe. I pointed out how Dana’s remarks had crossed a line and negatively impacted the mood even if my own behavior wasn’t always perfect … I got one reply after several days of silence : Dana explained that she had been reflecting on the shoot as well and realized that her mood had affected her behavior more than she intended. However, she also pointed out that similar comments in the past hadn’t been an issue. In her view, this wasn’t entirely out of character for her — except this time, it had struck a different tone. Then she revealed something deeper that had been simmering for a while : she felt a growing sense of competition with Alain, my other assistant. This rivalry, she admitted, had been gnawing at her for some time and had only added to the personal stress she was carrying. In my answer, I acknowledged her honesty and addressed the tension with Alain … I should have noticed it earlier and taken steps to ease this situation. However, I also made it clear that her remarks during the session had crossed a line : something we hadn’t experienced before in our shoots. Léa wasn’t yet familiar with the usual dynamic and had interpreted Dana’s comments in a way that made her feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. Ultimately, we both agreed it was best for Dana to step back from assisting. It was a mutual understanding that this role had run its course for her. Continuing under these circumstances would have only led to more frustration. However, it’s crucial to note that Dana continued to model for several months afterward, though scheduling became less easy since she had a regular job during the week. Throughout this transition, I remained involved in managing Dana’s website, which I had created in 2004 to boost her income and international visibility as a model. We had designed this space together, with me acting as webmaster and helping Dana create exclusive content : solo photo series & guest galleries with my models. Dana’s engagement with her website decreased after the launch, complicating our professional dynamics. She had a low engagement with her members & the forum crystallized some tension between us. The increasing pressures in Dana’s life didn’t help to manage all the work implied by her career : she faced more challenges in her personal life, particularly with a boyfriend who didn’t like this growing involvement in the adult industry. 2005 has been a long year for Dana : the first quarter was intense with a lot of sessions including the ones with several international models. I think Dana reached her limits after our memorable week with Rachel Paine … balancing the kinky side with her personal life wasn’t easy ! Beside her fight to normalize the daily routine, Dana was shooting less regularly since she wasn’t my assistant anymore & her hectic schedule complicated our plans. Dana wanted to model for some other photographers for a while but being booked isn’t easy. I arranged a photo session with James Bertoni for Dana who went to Switzerland for shooting in September. They had a nice time but she discovered later that her breast had been digitally enlarged before the publication on Models Tied … she was expecting something else from this collaboration. We were able to shoot together a few days after to talk about this recent trip & my own organization. On my side, the rhythm of production was still intense. I explored the best way to replace Dana as my model assistant … I thought about Diva to assume this role but it didn’t work. At the end of August, we went to London for a shopping day introducing Diva to my favorite designers : I realized she wouldn’t be as efficient as Dana in this role. She helped me for several sessions but that’s Anaïs who eventually replaced Dana as my right hand & main model for the next two years. In October, Dana went back for a photo session with me & we organized our afternoon like the previous session, shooting one set for her website before doing another one for CC. She was feeling more comfortable in her regular job & we were able to work like before, without any extra tension. That’s probably why I thought about Dana for the Halloween session with Anaïs & Diva two weeks later. 2005, October 22 : Anaïs has been shot only three times and Diva was modeling for one year. I pictured an idea suggested by one of my members who wanted to see one submissive dominated by two mistresses. I had the idea to push Dana into the hands of these two young women but she wasn’t totally comfortable with the situation. Dana didn’t shoot with someone else for a long time and she was no longer this Mistress who welcomed & trained Diva in 2004. Being dominated is also less easy when you know there is a difference of ten years with the dominant people. Dana wasn’t my assistant anymore … Anaïs & Diva took the lead of my team while she explored another path : the office worker still had one foot in the fetish world but Dana was slowly leaving the adult industry. I think she lived the whole session like a point of no return : that day, Dana was wearing the latex hood and her presence was reduced to one body without face expression. It shouldn’t be easy to obey and lick the heels of these young women. Dana started the year 2005 like a star, beloved & protected but after three nice years, our mutual adventure was slowly ending. I have the feeling this Halloween session was like a transition and maybe a bit more. The role of Dana was like a symbol : she stopped being the queen of Captive Culture … the young generation pushed her away from the throne. As 2005 drew to a close, we did our last sessions : on November 26, we captured what would become the last photo series shot for Captive Culture. Our final session took place on December 30 : we did one set for Dana’s website with one nice moment near the Christmas tree. We have shared a lot of memories since 2002 but, unfortunately, and strangely, this afternoon has been the last one together. After the winter holidays, we exchanged some words for the new year but the next steps are blurry in my mind. I don’t know exactly what happened … browsing my email archives, it appears that I continued to manage Dana & Friends trying to keep some activity & generate more traffic with my network + one profile on MySpace. Dana was busy with her work & stepped away from the internet for several months. One year after our Halloween session, she eventually replied to my email about DAF asking to close her website before the end of 2006. She explained several things and mentioned a conflictual exchange with the french photographer who allowed us to work together … she was gossiping Dana on the local fetish scene for a long time : it decided her to stop any activity related to modeling or partying. We totally lost contact after this shutdown. Dana probably needed to turn the page like a lot of models going back to normal life. I hope she’s happy now, far away from the fetish universe. Time flies but Dana still holds a special place among my models : she has been my muse for three years, helping to build Captive Culture & explore a wide range of fantasies. Dana allowed me to learn how to bind better & her personality has been so helpful too … positive energy, smile, laugh : she has always been there when needed. Yes, I really like Dana for all this and that’s why I will never forget this talented model & lovely woman : you should also keep Dana in your memory as the first professional bondage model in France … 22 years ago ! Sorry for this long commentary but I had to focus my writing on the context around this photo series shared today. If you follow my work, this jungle set-up is familiar : I did several sessions using a camouflage net as background. It has been one of these shooting configurations which helped to propose some better pictures : I was trying to work differently, with less hard lights & white walls. You can follow the evolution of these photo series by checking the related posts below. I included the complicated session shot with Dana one week before that day with Léa … she was attracted by the japanese bondage and I got the nice surprise to discover one woman who was able to express her desires simply & clearly : it allowed us to do some interesting pictures since the beginning even if everything wasn’t perfect. Surprisingly, Léa was comfortable, instead she had no experience in this kind of photography : when I got her first email, she wasn’t used to modeling topless but it appears her state of mind quickly evolved. We started our photo series with this military bikini before to introduce some nipple play for the end. So, among all the tensions specific to this period, there were several positive things happening like these women who started modeling for me. They were attracted by the fetish universe and this motivation was really refreshing ! Anyway, I hope you will like these pictures … as usual, you can click on the download icon, uncompress the zip file on your device, and enjoy your viewing. My archives are also viewable by clicking on the magnifying glass icon to browse this session online. It’s time to wish you a nice week-end !


shot on 2005, July 30
published on Captive Culture


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2 Replies to “photo series 209-01”

    1. you’re right Jody, some period & moment (like this one) were like a roller-coaster … everything was intricate in the link we could have with these lovely girls who accepted to live the Captive Culture adventure. I tried to do my best when needed but a more experienced version of me would have react differently : that’s life, we all do some choices and every decision could be better with enough time thinking about the consequences.

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