85 images starring Mina
available to download
Back in September 2005, Mina was kind enough to dye her hair with a deep black. So, this time, I have been able to use my blue nylon ropes … we did it as a warm-up to start our shooting day while Diva was preparing her own make-up. It was one of her first sessions as model’s assistant because Dana and I dediced to limit our collaboration to modeling during the summer. I have not been been totally satisfied by the make-up of Mina which was too dark : her skin is naturally so pale than it was difficult to find the right tint, even more when you didn’t have the appropriate products at the photo studio. Anyway, I think we shot several good pictures and this bondage photo session is interesting as a tribute to glamour bondage with a lot of fetish elements inside. For this set, Mina has been dressed in leather (I bought this skirt + jacket for Dana when we went to Las Vegas for the BondCon 04) and some stiletto high heels from my collection. She was also wearing a semi-transparent blouse which was perfect to reveal her lovely nipples staying into the Damsel in Distress universe. I added one pair of white / grey nylon stockings to add some contrast with the dark & brown tones all around. I know that Mina doesn’t like a lot this black color as hairstyle but I really liked the pics & vids we did during this week-end ! Checking the related links available below this blog entry, you will be able to watch what I am talking about. After this first set, Mina modeled for Latex Culture with Diva as partner before to leave her shiny catsuit. We ended the day capturing a third photo series which was also the first bondage video with Mina bound & naked on my bed. These two others sets are already available on the blog including the video so here is another shooting day which has been fully reposted in my best-of archives. For the little story, it was only our fifth session together and I think this photo series is the first one with a ball-gag for Mina … she also accepted to try some nipple play but I have been cool using some light and comfy clamps that Mina could keep for a while, the time to capture several nice pics for the final bondage position. In one word, that week-end has been full of new experiences for Mina including a memorable duo session with Anaïs the next day. It makes me think that I absolutely have to repost this session which has been their first meeting and french kiss too but that’s another story. I hope you will like these glamour bondage pictures … as usual, simply click on the download icon, unzip the archive on your device and have a nice viewing. See you next time !
shot on 2005, September 17
published on Captive Culture
Thanks Old Pal for the gift.
Mina’s “lover”
JiGe “Bondage is not a crime”
thanks a lot my friend … for someone like you who got the chance to meet Mina at my Shibari School, I know that you appreciate to watch these pics & remember the charm of Mina with or without ropes around her beautiful body. Have a nice summer mate and hear you soon !
I have read your last Blog entry about the lack of interaction with you. I just asked myself: “What are the reasons that you have only written one comment in the last 6 years”
The anwser is simple: Usually the pictures don’t cause a strong emotional response. Even if I like them.
I usually hit the download button, download the file and every few months I take a look at some of the pictures and delete the most of them.
What I do is to read some of your text about the photo shoot. But they do not invite me much to interact. There are no open question. No inventiation about what you like to talk about it.
(At least I was never aware of it)
So I could only speak about myself. However I think I would interact more often if there would be an conversations starter.
Sometimes you have written about small mistakes which occured to you. However they are often onyl interesting for other photographers. For my I would like much more to know some funy ancedote a joke you told etc.
I’m not sure if this useful for you. I just want to let you know what would bring me more into the position to support you also here on this blog.
thanks for the feedback … even if it was probably too complicated for you to leave it on the appropriate blog entry. Because I don’t know you, these words don’t have a lot of sense for me. First, is this blog really for you ? Are you a bondage or fetish lover ? How old are you ? What do you really like to watch usually ? There could have many reasons because you don’t appreciate my work. The most interesting is that’s not good enough for you but you came back several times to inflict yourself one visual torture. I think the point isn’t the emotion or what I write. As you mentioned, you downloaded some content without only writing “thank you for sharing” like it was normal to give so much content for free. That’s probably related to the world or generation, people forgot or simply didn’t know the period where everything wasn’t free, when you had to pay for music & movies, when the way to complete your viewing or listening experience was to talk about this thing. When I write one long commentary giving some details about the sessions, the reality is almost no one leave a comment even when I ask a question or encourage to leave a comment. That’s the same on social networks … if I post one picture on any network asking “what do you think about it ?” or “what do you prefer” I will get only few replies or maybe none. But this picture will be liked by 50 people and seen by 5000. So, no, the problem isn’t the things I post or write. It is simply a lack of know-how and courtesy … you want to know the difference between you and me ? When I download something, if I watch one picture, I like it, I leave a comment, always positive because I don’t like to criticize or act like someone knowing the truth about everything. I will validate your comment because it’s interesting to see how someone who lurk my archives never took the time to leave a comment like “thank you” just because any work or effort deserve to be outlined.
I agree totally with you that there should be more explicite gratitude towards your work. I think I’m a very average user and hopped by describing to you how I use this blog could be useful for you.
I don’t think that people are “bad” and don’t see what you have done here.
I just think me and many others just don’t very aware of it how much it would mean to you if there would be a more explicit reaction.
I tried to explain what could mabye work for me to trigger this more often.
Of course if I come back to your blog in few months I will probably remeber what you have writen here. I will try to react. However the chances are also high that I will have forgotten.
I hopped to give some hints what could remind me not to forget. And make my appreciation more explicit.
Then this is one very important point. Several times in the last years I liked some of your content on different SM. Not because there were somehting new tom. Just with the intention to support you by feeding the algorithm. I showed also many people your picture. Told them that even if I’m happy to see them the reason why you share them make me a little bit sad.
However I never wrote that to you until now. And I think this is a lesson to myself. I should have. However as I have said it comes not to my mind.
So let me close this here. Thanks for sharing your content. I hope you will find a way which is good for you.
I appreciate you took the time to comment & reply … next time you visit my blog, maybe the message which is in the sidebar will work as a reminder.
do you love my work ?
please leave a reply …
I like to read your comments !
thank you
Jerome Duplessis
Of course, that’s small because I prefer to use this way …
maybe too small because most of people don’t notice it 🙂
I’m so happy I refound you!
I absolutely adored your work years ago.
I remember when you took the site down. I’ve always hoped you managed to overcome your illness. And I’m so happy you’re back.
These were some of my favourite images!
thank you … the website’s shutdown has been difficult but the blog is still there to share all these nice memories.
Great pictures, although it’s a bit of a tad terse, but I realized that even such a response is important to you
thank you Michael … these few words are enough to bring some light in the darkness, believe me. You’re right, that’s important because I can feel my sharing isn’t useless reading some comments.