30 images starring Suzy
available to download
Back in 2010, Suzy was back after several months without being tied … we played with my jute ropes for another shibari session. One year spent since our first photo series and Suzy moved to Paris. Of course, I was happy about this change because it made our sessions easier to organize. We also had more time to speak, think and play together … those points are essential to build a better synergy between one photographer and the model. Because I wanted to start slowly after the long period without shooting, I got the idea to tie her hands over her breast. Suzy was relax and I have been able to explore another way to bind her body. I made a tight ropework which decreased her ability to breath … you should like it ! Of course, I wanted a warm scene so my yellow lighting has been used again. I did the same one day before for a similar photo series with Mina. On a personal aspect, this session was the second one after my diabetes got detected. I was slowly discovering the negative impact of that health issue on my work. I have been on hypoglycaemia with Mina and was feeling bad but I did the right thing to avoid it the day after. At the result, I did one short photo series with Mina and decided to do the same with Suzy, thinking that I could publish the two sets together. About this one, you will notice the hair of Suzy are longer and I love it … the lighting gave a nice touch to the hair color and I played with shadows a lot, maybe too much. In one word, I tied Suzy and I shot her moving on the sofa, trying to capture her beauty for the pleasure of your eyes. I hope you will like it … as always, you can download the photo series for free and watch it on your device : you just need to unzip the archive file to get your images. Thanks to report any broken link or problem with the hosting company used to provide my work … everything is working properly on my side but I prefer to verify that’s also okay for you. Have a nice week-end and see you next time !
shot on 2010, October 30
published on Captive Culture
Love the warm colours on this series. A contrast to the “industrial” look of most photoshoots. And the ropework looks like it was a challenge.
And such a beautiful model!
thank you again … I think the feeling is different also because Miss Clochette has been one of these girls who accepted to be tied & shot by me not for the pictures but because they were bondage lovers. She was addicted to ropes and it was a pleasure to bind such a nice girl who wasn’t a photo model, just a rope bunny (this term wasn’t so popular at this period) : I am happy to know you enjoyed this session !