please show your love !

After the shutdown of my websites and some major health issues, I started to repost my best sessions on the blog. Since 2017, I have added more than 150 photo series available to download for free. That’s nice to share these memories when I get some feedback & support from you … but it doesn’t happen often enough !

Let me remind you that I don’t manage this blog to make any money : I work on the updates and social networks to escape from reality and my daily routine full of medical problems. You have the power to bright my day leaving a comment or message me everytime you watch one photo series or download one full length video . So, please, show your love because it is essential for any content creator like me, even more in a world where life is complicated for everyone. We need to spread some positive energy around us.

Recently, I replied to several messages and realized that many of my viewers don’t read me. Some of them didn’t understood that I don’t work anymore because a cancer changed my life. They watch my pics or vids but there is something more to catch beyond these memories. When I started this blog, my goal was to share my productions but also create one special link between you and me through my commentaries, an exchange which exists with few people through the years.

That’s why I invite you to be more active on this blog … let me share one statistic : 65.000 visitors, 100.000 downloads and 100 comments only during the year 2022. What do you think about it ? On my side, it made me thinking I was maybe wrong with my blog. When you write a post thinking nobody’s care about it, the problem become real.

Long time ago, in another situation, I decided to stop and turn the page. I wish being able to do it without the sadness and bitterness. I could also lock my archives with a password and give an access manually to the people asking for it. As you can see, my mind is full of ideas and I would prefer to continue peacefully the life of this blog.

So, I try to find the right balance between your user experience and my creator frustration … I hope this long post will make you understand that more feedback have to be posted here. If I don’t see any change within the next weeks, I will take my decision.

For now, let’s share the listing of my archives by chronological order + link to the blog entry … this is is a document made with Google Sheets allowing the reader to find my pics & vids. It made me thought I share too much content for only few people able to show some love : click on the following plus icon if you’re are interested about it.


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some (bad) news

I need to explain the reason why there is no update on the blog … last week, I started to feel bad, physically, not only mentally, and more than usual. If you follow me on twitter, you are probably aware that I am dealing with another health issue which is one of the consequences of my cancer. On 2017, February 02, exactly 6 years ago, I got the first surgery to remove the tumor. 5 days later, my surgeon had to do another operation because there was a massive infection killing me. It has been the start of a long fight that I won’t explain again … 2 years ago, at the same period, one big abscess appeared on my midline scar which is 30 centimeters long and I had to deal with several recurrences for 6 months. We’re now in 2023 and this thing is back.

Tomorrow afternoon, I won’t be behind my computer for the update. I will be at the hospital to talk about the situation with one surgeon. I would like to be positive but the calendar doesn’t help us, we are anxious, my wife & I. As you know, everything is more complicated nowadays in the healthcare system : even if France, there are a lot of problems since the COVID crisis. We are in the dark and we hope there is nothing too serious behind this another abscess. Because I lived a nightmare in 2017, the fear is inside me … I will keep you updated about this medical appointment scheduled tomorrow. I think it will be one step before some additional exams. For now, my only wish is to hear there is no hurry because this kind of battle deserves a good plan for a better result. Take care about yourself and the people you love, there is nothing more important !

Captive Culture Anniversary

22 years ago, I started my adventure and created the domain name Captive Culture … one week later, my website has been launched with two photo series only. Today, I should be writing a blog post to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of Captive Culture but my mind is empty and the mood isn’t good. I was thinking being able to propose something cool for this moment but things have been complicated this month. I didn’t have the special fan art expected and got no time to organize the FAQ mentioned on twitter … the last weeks have been focused on my heatlh issues and some administrative stuff that I have to manage. That’s sad but all this got a negative impact on my ability to celebrate this event. That’s life, we are all humans and if I took the time to weekly update the blog sharing some nice memories recently, I couldn’t do more. So, today, I am only going to write these lines and share one archive containing some pics & vids which have been posted long time ago and you could appreciate to watch again or maybe discover …

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