105 images starring Anaïs
available to download
2006, September 11 : fifth day in South France with Anaïs. If you want to know more about the context of this trip, please read my commentary about photo series 260-03 checking the related links available after this blog entry. I explained how and why that week has been so complicated … Anaïs invited me to come while she was visiting her family for a small break after one month working on Captive Culture post-production as summer job. That morning, I shot my favorite student on the beach using this amazing outfit made by House of Harlot (UK) and one pair of transparent shoes. Anaïs was looking like a modern pin-up along the seaside ! As usual with outdoor shooting, there is always several things that you are unable to control : the weather, changes of light and some people around. We got a lurker while we were taking some pictures but he stopped to be boring after his face has been snapshot by me. Anaïs always loved this outfit and she was excited to wear this corset made of blue & white latex … no need to mention her lovely panties ! I liked to capture every position or attitude fighting with my camera settings. She played with the sand and water for 45 minutes and, surprisingly, her shoes survived to this outdoor session that we ended before to get more people on the beach. After this photo set, we shot more pictures in my bedroom at the hotel. Even if Anaïs invited me to sleep in her family house, I wasn’t feeling comfortable with this idea and declined her invite. It was clear that the situation would have been weird staying under the same roof than her mother. For the little story, we met each other when I just arrived in the area and I am sure that she understood her daugther wasn’t only modeling for glamour or fetish photography. She was probably aware that one man like me was doing more with her beloved Anaïs and I didn’t want to create any problem between them. That’s the reason why I decided to stay away from their house even if it got an impact on this week near Perpignan. It’s time to wish you a nice week-end watching this photo series added to the blog … as usual, click on the download icon below, unzip that archive file on your device and enjoy these pictures. Your feedback would be appreciated : feel free to leave some words and don’t hesitate to ask any question … thank you !
shot on 2006, September 11
published on Latex Culture
Je crois bien que je n’ai jamais vu d’image de toi dans la nature! Merci!
malheureusement, trop de séances en extérieur, c’est un de mes regrets … j’avais essayé au début mais cela s’avérait trop compliqué sur un plan logistique et un peu trop risqué en région parisienne. Il y eut quelques tentatives plus tard dont ces séances dans le sud. J’étais tellement pris par le rythme de production pour mes 3 sites que cela m’a éloigné de cette envie d’extérieur. Tu me connais, je me disais toujours que j’aurais l’occasion de le faire plus tard … c’est dommage car il eut été préférable de saisir certaines opportunités pour réaliser plus d’images à la lumière du jour. Si tu souhaites en voir d’autres, tu peux utiliser le tag ci-dessous pour voir les autres séries qui ont été repostées sur le blog (il en manque) … à bientôt camarade !
Beautiful set as always! Anaïs look absolutely stunning in the outfit. I was wondering though. You are pointing out the difficulties with shooting outside. But, did you also have more fun with shooting outside? I would assume it also provides you with more freedom as you are not limited to a studio.
That’s a good question … one of my regrets is that I wanted to do more shooting outside but it was too complicated around Paris. I was also too busy with the productions for my three websites then any trip would have been a problem for my planning. But I liked this challenge and this different atmosphere ! If I have been able to rent or benefit from a private place without the risk of being seen, you would have more outdoor sessions online. But the truth is we were living in another era and even latex fetish was enough to attract some people around you. That’s interesting to see there is always someone even when you think one place is safe to work … so, no, the freedom was in my house without any risk for my models too. Usually, I was used to bring one or two friends to shoot in a public zone to prevent any potential problem. Only these sessions with Anaïs were captured without anybody else to protect us and, that’s true, we liked the stress of outdoor shooting. As I explained in several interviews, I would have been able to do more in another country … at this period, and for me, it wasn’t easy to shoot outside.
A beautiful outfit on a beautiful woman! I’ve always been more of a fan of the “captive” side of your work rather than the “latex” side, but I can’t fault this set for its appeal. Thanks for sharing 🙂
thanks for your feedback … the captive side is also my favorite, Latex Culture was born because some fetish lovers didn’t like the BDSM universe. At the beginning, I wanted to do some outdoor sessions only for LC but it was too complicated … I did some good sessions but also some boring ones until I have been able to do some real duo sessions like the ones with Mina and Anaïs. I was also dreaming to shoot more heavy rubber and total enclosure but it wasn’t easy to find the good products at this period. As a true latex lover, I enjoyed to photography these lovely girls dressed in latex even more because most of them discovered this unique feeling and loved it. I quickly understood that some models needed to relax shooting for LC before or after one CC session and it was a good balance between the two universes.
Lovely collection. I remember this being one of my favorites. Not only is Anais one of my favorite models, but I always loved the contrast of lovely blue latex with its kink connotations constrasted with what seems like fun casual day at the beach. As much as I the clearly fetish focused latex, I’m very much drawn to the casual use of latex which seems to be more common today.
thank you Alejandro … yes, you’re right, latex is more common nowadays. It’s not underground anymore and that’s also because of that we loved to shoot for Latex Culture. I like this photo series with Anaïs on the beach even if my photography could have been better. I was really interested about mixing the real life with latex fetish and there a lot of fantasies that I have been unable to explore !
Reposting again because I don’t think the comment went through.
This is one of my favorite sets of yours, Jerome. First of all, it has Anais. Second of all, I really love the use of latex is such a casual setting, and this piece is one of the most erotic we’ve seen. There’s such an allure of combining kink with the mundane. Latex with a nice day at the beach.
Thank you for posting it.
in fact, your comment was waiting for my approval … that’s why you thought it didn’t work. I changed one setting on the blog to validate any comment from one reader which got an approved comment before. Maybe it will help to avoid this issue within the future. Unfortunately, moderation is needed even on a small blog like this one.
lucky girl wearing a lovely latex corset on the seaside !