33 minutes starring Mina + Anaïs
available to download
Let’s share one video related to the photo series 236-01 already posted on this blog. I explained you several things about that session in my previous commentary then I will try to find something else to talk about. On that video shot on year 2006, you will be probably annoyed by the sound of my digital camera … sorry about this ! I was alone with the two girls and shared my time between my lens and two camcorders on tripods. I tried to catch the action live managing each device while Anaïs and Mina were playing together. Of course, I gave them some instructions before but they were in the perfect mood to follow their own desire. I think you will appreciate to watch these two ladies enjoying each other … as usual, the different video files are available to download for free into a .zip archive. Please note I am going to change the hosting location for my movies soon, I need to free-up some space on my Mega account for the photo series. I recently joined Mediafire which is actually tested with the bonus files. If everything works nice, I will upload all the videos there within the next weeks. That’s all for today, see you next friday !
nylon, corset & bondage
Another sensual video with Mina and Anaïs,
hot and classy like these french girls can be.
Pleasure and pain : handcuffs and french kisses
before to be tied with rope and pinched by clothepins
Anaïs can play with her sweet toy … lovely teasing !
shot on 2006, February 04
published on Captive Culture
Whatever became of Mina? I have only seen her work featured through your photography but nowhere else. Did she continue to do bondage shoots?
Mina has been bound by only few rope artists and mainly by me. That’s why you don’t see Mina’s bondage pictures anywhere else. She retired from modeling several years ago. She turned the page and is happy in her new life.
Aw, that’s such a privilege. Mina is one of the most beautiful French models I have ever seen. All her sets were stunning. Does she have an IG account or keep a portfolio elsewhere?
Thanks for loving my work and the beauty of my models, including Mina who is a lovely woman. Unfortunately, she stopped modeling and there is no IG account that I could share with you.