photo series 280-03

photo series 283-03

85 images starring Noémie
available to download


Let’s share the first bondage session with Noémie for Captive Culture. That’s Anaïs who recommended me this french woman who was already one model & singer also known for her style. You won’t be surprised to read that she has been one of the suicide girls when this website was very popular. Later, she worked for a french TV channel and did some movies as actress … she also became a talented tattoo artist which isn’t surprising. Noémie is a cool girl with a nice body, she is passionate and has a lot of skills for a photographer like me. I have never been a big fan of tattoos but the style of Noémie was nice looking and we did several sessions enhanced by her body modifications. It was also very pleasant to work with Noémie who is modest and professional : two qualities that are not so common when we talk about photo model. I don’t have a lot of things to say about this photo series which has been shot to conclude our second shooting day together … the first time, Noémie teased Anaïs while she was tied, a nice way to introduce rope bondage and let her discover my way to work. I shot the blonde woman for Latex Culture but I was unsure about the best role for she : when Noémie started to be bound in front of my lens, I got the answer to my question. Of course, some time has been needed to find the right way to picture her style but we did some very nice pics together during a period which has been a bit complicated for me. As written above, that’s Anaïs who recommended Noémie and my muse had probably something in mind. After almost two years, Anaïs was tired about being a serious student during the week before to be tied every saturday (and sunday too, sometimes) … she knew it wouldn’t be easy to stop for several reasons : because we had a special link, she didn’t want to break & leave me without someone able to replace her as model & assistant. Disclaimer : that’s only my analysis about the situation, we didn’t talk about it enough to be sure. Maybe I am wrong and Anaïs only tried to be less active taking some distance with this activity which became one source of personal questioning. It could have been easier if Mina was already living in Paris, she would have replaced Anaïs like my muse did with Dana. So, I think Noémie was like a secret weapon for Anaïs, a beautiful girl, open minded & close enough to become her alter-ego. Maybe, Maybe not. One thing I am sure is Anaïs decided to proceed several changes at this period including the choice to cut her long hair. That’s how Noémie discovered this new style when she modeled with Anaïs for the first time. Of course, I guess it’s also related to her private life which was evolving but I don’t forget she was a psychology student who perfectly knew me. I am convinced that she changed her hair style expecting this decision would get the same effect than a similar situation with Dana. In a corner of her mind, Anaïs was thinking that her new haircut would push me to slowdown our sessions like it happened with my previous muse in 2005. She knew the story and my explanations about something that she partially lived beginning our collaboration when the queen of Captive Culture has slipped down from her throne. You could think my analysis is weird but there are many things that were hidden or not said between the models and I, just because it was too personal or touchy. One girl will rarely say that she wants to be a submissive. Some words were never used to avoid any misunderstood or simply because my models got a education that exclude some sentences like “I am excited” with a man who’s not your lover. On my side, I also had some taboos and my role was to keep one distance with these girls that were tied, spanked, exposed or vibed … even if all this was complicated for them and me. In such situation, there are always something you don’t express because the consequences are unknown. So, no, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone like Anaïs searched a way to obtain what she could have in mind. It’s a little bit similar to a relationship that you try to stop without having to take the decision … of course, that’s different but how many boys or girls prefer to be unbearable in order to cause a breakup ? About Anaïs, I think she was trying to stop exposing herself in front of my camera without hurting me personally. Why ? Because six months later, she wrote a long email to explain that we did our last session together one day before. Not because it has been a bad day … Anaïs was thinking about it for a while, she decided to stop at this moment. Despite her efforts, she was still my muse several months after this change of hairstyle : when she stopped modeling for me, Anaïs & I continued to meet us regularly to talk like we were used to do since 2005. In one hand, my collaboration with Noémie has been helpful in 2008 when I had to find another way to work : this major change has been positive for my photography. I have been able to focus on the essential shooting several of my best sessions. Sorry again for this long commentary … for now, I hope you will enjoy to watch these pictures with Noémie who was wearing some french lingerie bought several years before this photo series. I bet you will appreciate the transparency of those nylon stockings with Noémie’s tattoo … as usual, you can click on the download icon, uncompress that zip file on your device and enjoy your viewing. My archives are also viewable clicking on the magnifying glass icon : it allows you to browse this session online. I wish you a nice week-end !


shot on 2007, May 26
published on Captive Culture


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