13 Replies to “choose your favorite model”

  1. poll isn’t working for me, will come back and try again another day, but for me its amélie hands down. she always has this perfect expression on her face, like she’s letting you in on a secret.

    1. sorry for the problem encountered with the poll … in theory, it should work. we already got several votes. I let you retry. Anyway, thanks for your comment. I agree with you, the attitude of Amélie added something special to our sessions.

  2. All these models are of course amazing! Although I do specifically like Amelie and Mina. Choosing between them is quite hard, but I did end up choosing Amelie in the poll. Absolutely love her “mischievous” smile!

  3. Must admit I think Eskarina’s really cute but she’s not an option so I went with Anais (got a bit of a thing for redheads) 🙂

    1. Good to see you back online and chatting again, jG!

      If I can make the money work, I’m thinking of doing some shooting in the future that will go direct to outfits like Clip4Sale. I just got a Black Magic Pocket Cine 4K camera that shoots 1080p, UHD, and even movie 4K.

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