let’s talk about this trip to Las Vegas with Dana …
I posted some pics & vids on my social networks this week
you can click below to browse all these memories in this blog entry

20 years ago, on January 08, I was in Las Vegas …
Dana & I traveled from Paris for the BondCon 2004
It allowed us to meet a lot of people loving bondage
Let’s share some memories as a tribute to this event
here is the official program booklet
credit : Jim Weathers / Bondage Cafe

inside the official program booklet …
so many models who made us dream !

everything started being a sponsor in 2003,
same for BondCon 2004 inside the booklet …
but that year, I decided to come with Dana !

our trip to Las Vegas was booked …
a long flight for me & Dana on January 06

two pictures of Dana in Las Vegas
SD quality, I lost the original files …

Dana arriving at the BondCon 2004
thanks again to Alain for this image

beside that convention, a lot of producers used their hotel rooms to do some pics & vids including me. Because these memories are sweet in my mind, let’s share one video with Dana bound on a bed at the Luxor Las Vegas. Click on the thumbnail below to watch it (posted on Mega)

I see that some of you liked the beginning of this bedroom bondage with Dana at Las Vegas … so let’s share more about this video shot using the lights available at the Luxor hotel. I tied her with silk ribbons because we didn’t have our ropes yet !

I already shared two videos of this silk ribbon bondage recorded in my bedroom at the Luxor Hotel … here is another sample mixing part 3 & 4 : Dana has been bound several times beside our daily visits to the BondCon 2004 – this one has been shot on our first day in Las Vegas.

thanks to my friend Alain @FFNCollector who sent me a zip archive about the BondCon 2004 … I found some pics of Dana that I didn’t have. It also allows to recover the chronology of some bondage sessions I did during these days in Las Vegas.

so, that’s how Dana & I started that day …
playing in the bedroom before the convention

being bound on the bed wasn’t enough …
30 minutes later, Dana explored this table

click on the thumbnail below to watch this video
Dana bound & gagged on the table

some water before to be dressed ?
we went to the BondCon after this

after one second bondage on a table of my bedroom at the Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas; we couldn’t resist to use this jacuzzi for one video … Dana relaxed in the water before to be bound a little bit more.

next step in the jacuzzi for Dana bound with tight elbows in the back using some ribbons and stockings. I thought this position would be nice to play with water bubbles … she quickly understood it was a very playful idea !

one last video about that day …
what a warm-up for the BondCon !

second day of the BondCon 2004
we tested my new ropes before …

We only took some clothes & one small camera + camcorder to avoid a problem with the US customs. On our first day at the BondCon, the ropes ordered before this trip to Las Vegas were waiting for us. So, the next morning, Dana has been tied again in my bedroom at the Luxor Hotel. I mixed several parts of the video for this sample but the full footage will be reposted soon on this blog …

Dana loves to be challenged … every bondage position was like a another game for she : I liked to watch this playful woman moving to escape from my ropes. That day, after a while immobilized on the bed, Dana started to find a way out !

more water & bubbles for Dana
still playing before the BondCon

one day before, Dana discovered the jacuzzi being bound with silk ribbons … that morning, we tried the ropes brought back from the BondCon 2004 : here is a sample about this video even if I don’t like my ropework using two colors because we didn’t have enough lengths.

after being tied at the Luxor Hotel as warm-up, Dana got the pleasure to meet Jim Weathers … we got a nice talk around the Bondage Cafe booth during this BondCon 2004’s second day. Thanks again to Alain for this picture : she was lovely in that purple latex outfit !

last summer, I tweeted this picture of our meeting with Jim Weathers at BondCon 2004 … here is another version in colors even if that’s not still good enough after some image editing. Yes, our digital cameras were less powerful 20 years ago !

beside the convention & our bondage sessions, Dana & I also took the time to discover Las Vegas … of course, our trip was too short but we enjoyed some others activities including one long walk with my friend Alain that I met several weeks before on the BondCon chatroom !

third day at the BondCon 2004 … Dana was wearing some baby pink latex for our last visit : we had to leave Las Vegas on January 11, before the end of this event. It was time to say good-bye to our american friends. Thanks to Alain who caught these pics of Dana & Rachel Paine who didn’t know they would be together again one year later for a crazy bondage week in Paris !

On the way back to Paris, from Las Vegas with one stop at New York city … the BondCon wasn’t finished yet but Dana had an engagement the next day. We just had the time to leave our hotel & play some coins at Mc Carran airport in the morning.

shot on 2004, January 06 – 11
published on Captive Culture

Hi Jerome!
What great memories from old times. Dana, one of my favorite models, is also there. Thank you very much for this.. and more of it please!
thank you … that’s nice to see there are still some people who appreciate this good old time ! Dana has been the perfect partner for this trip and editing these pictures turned my nostalgic mood on … you will see more about it soon because I planned to repost all the bondage sequences recorded at the Luxor Hotel on next friday.
Hi Jerome, I guess it feels pretty good to kind of re-live all these great memories! Hope you are doing well/better
thank you John … that’s a bit weird, it was the good old time and I have the feeling all this is behind me, I’m happy & proud about these memories with Dana but that’s looking like a lost paradise. I’m happy some people including you enjoyed this time travel !
happy you like these sweet memories … in fact, Dana already knew the onion rings, she was used to eat some when we were in London because, at this period, it was only available in the Burger King’s and all these fast food closed in France before to bring back later. So, when we went to Las Vegas, Dana has been very happy to eat some onion rings !