50 images starring Rubelle
available to download
I think you already know our world is small … long time ago, when the internet was full of link directories, I was used to exchange traffic with Tom who was a very cool webmaster. Few years later, Rubelle started to post on DeviantArt and became one of my contacts. I didn’t know they were friends. One day, I have been informed they were coming for a short trip in Paris. Then, I got the chance to shoot Rubelle who is a latex lover … that’s always better when you meet your model before but it’s only possible with local girls. They came at home, we took a drink talking about what we could do together. On my old blog, I was used to explain the first session isn’t the best one even if that’s cool. Because you have to learn which angles are better for each model, there are only few pics I like, just because I am mainly focused on my mistakes. That’s what I think about this photo series : no problem with the body shape of Miss Rubelle which was perfect, I just think the setup was too classic for her style. Anyway, you should like some pics with this purple outfit … the use of nylon stockings was great with those long legs. We ended the shooting late in the evening and I drove back my guests to Paris. It was too short but I had a nice time with Rubelle and Tom who were coming from Estonia.
shot on 2010, May 16
published on Latex Culture